
Faces - #15 of 29

As I was pretty busy today with a commission - 20 head wreaths for a children dance group - so my face for today is a pretty quick sketch of a grey cat :)
Actually, while working at the wreaths, I watched a couple of Life Book videos by Tamara Laporte. Usually, they are much too long for me, so I never seem to find time for them or get bored too soon. But this was the perfect combination, as making 20 similar wreaths is as boring, as it can be, but provides enough occupation for my body not to get sleepy watching long videos. Inspired by Tam's arting I started another face - a young girl and am quite pleased with how it looks so far. It's too dark to shoot a pic of it though. So stay tuned and you'll see her soon-ish, if I don't completely ruin the portrait :)


Gina said...

Lovely Kitty image Rita...and take pics at point where you like your portrait,just in case you feel you might spoil it later. That way you can rework it with a reference picture, though I am sure yo will do an amazing job :D XXX

Fallingladies said...

Love the cat! I had decided i might try a few animal faces soon, as regular faces everyday seems a tad too much as we get closer to 29!