
Saturday Shopping Day - Beading Felting and Schooting Pictures

This week, I have finished these beaded beads for a lovely customer from Austria (and many more I undid until I loved the result) :)

This challenge inspired me to try to make felted bangles I wanted for a long time. Love the results!

To shoot modeled pictures of them all by myself without a tripod wasn't less of a challenge! :)

To see more beautiful hand made creations and to show yours visit Sandra's and Annemarie's


zsazsazsu said...

your beads and bangles are just gorgeous !

Mari said...

The beads are lovely Rita your customer should be thrilled.
And the Bangles....Very Cool!

OnePerfectDay said...

Those felted bangles are brilliant!! Love them! said...

Wow! These are simply amazing. :]
Very nice bangles.

LUCY said...

Una idea fantastica, me gusta muchisimo la combinacion de materiales.....