
My Share for Today - Let's Spread Love

Yesterday, I stumbled upon this invitation by Louise Gale and thought to myself: Why not? Let's just relax and add to the happy vibrations on this planet! :)

Update: I was trying to feel happy and relaxed this week end, but my body was fighting a virus and my two teenagers didn't make it easier, so the spread didn't want to become "sunshine and roses and lollipops", no matter, how hard I tried to feel like that! :D
But than, on the Sunday evening I joined Effy Wild and my buddies from the Wild Precious Studio to our Church of Art with arting, chatting and loads of laughing. And this is, how this spread ended up: with funny glittery hearts (in all colors, so me: can never concentrate just on one or some of them :) and the wording: Sorry, dear virus, but my body has to kill you, so you don't kill my body :D
It's Monday afternoon here already, but I'm still grinning every time I look at the spread! :D


Erika Price said...

Love the music! Can't wait to see what you create for the heart jam!

Louise Gale "Dream-Inspire-Create" said...

So great you liked the music and heART jam idea. Hope you are recovering from your virus well. I'm sure you generated lots of great energy to send it on its way.

Louise xx
P.S. Blogger wouldnt let me put my information in so its tied to an old account.

Angieclementine said...

Rita, love your happy "spread" and sorry you've been feeling crappy, I also have been fighting off a virus and I'm sort of losing the battle.... and I can relate to 2 teenagers... mine is now 29 but oh, how I remember those days (by the way, I love her age now and we get along great!)